I originally made this video in October 2015. Here are some pointers for capitalizing on holidays with your direct selling business.
- Share the products your company has to offer for the holidays! Most companies have something for all of the major holidays not just the fall/early winter holidays I mentioned in the video.
- Think gifts! Who do you know that will need to purchase gifts for these holidays?
- Think standing out! How can you make yourself stand out as a consultant? What can you offer your customers? Custom gift baskets? Wrapping? Special delivery?
- Share personal stories! What are you getting your own family and loved ones for the holiday? What are you using personally?
- Videos and pictures do a great way of sharing these products with potential buyers!
- What do you have on hand? Focus on selling these products first because you need to make that money back.
- Take advantage of craft fairs and other shows of that type. High seasons for these fairs is the Fall October-December and the Spring around Easter March-May. Yard sales are great for summer months June-September just remember that people expect cost to be lower at yard sales.
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