AVON Motivational and Inspirational Jewelry 2015

Dream BraceletSo this all started with Avon releasing the Special Meanings Bracelets back towards the beginning of 2015. These bracelets said “Dream”, “Luck”, “Hope”, and “Love”. I totally loved the trend this started with Avon releasing motivational and inspirational jewelry pieces. The Special Meaning Bracelet that I purchased says “Dream”. Unfortunately, these cute bracelets are no longer available. The good news is that there is now SO MANY MORE pieces you can choose from that are motivational and inspirational and will make you feel better when you wear them! The closet products to these are the Katarina Sentiment Bracelets and Inspirational Meaning Bracelets (will be released in Campaign 22).

This post contains my video that will show you the pieces I’ve purchased. I have also included information on each of the pieces as well as the upcoming pieces that will be released in Campaigns 22-24. I didn’t really see anything that fell into this category for me for Campaigns 25 and 26.

Watch the Video:

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Sterling Silver Pieces:

Avon Sterling Silver Journey NecklaceJourney Necklace

This necklace is made from Sterling Silver. It says, “It’s About the Journey” twice over. Regular price is $39.99, but it is currently on sale as part of a 2 for $35 sale! This sale ends in a couple days!

Also check out the Sterling Silver Motivational Necklace. The necklace says “Be strong, courageous, peaceful, loved, inspired. Picture from my Avon eStore.Sterling Silver Motivational Necklace

Infinite Meaning NecklacesInfinite Meanings Necklaces

These necklaces are all Sterling Silver and have been released in groups of three. Each necklace comes with a card describing the meaning of each symbol. The first group consisting of the Elephant, Rose, and Balance Bar are now in the Outlet and at Outlet prices. The Elephant is actually no longer available. This group is on sale for $14.99 while supplies last. The second group consists of the Anchor, Arrow, and Clover. They are regular price $39.99 each and are currently on sale for $19.99 each. The third group consists of the Key, Dove, and Feather and are regular price $39.99. Plus, COMING SOON is a FOURTH GROUP of these necklaces! They are a ballerina, snowflake, and bow just in time for the Holiday Season! They will be introductory price of $19.99 in Campaign 24 2015.

NEW Infinite Meanings NecklaceElephant-“Patience” Rose- “Passion” Balance-“Balance”

Anchor-“You are the captain of your ship”  Arrow-“Aim Forward”  Clover-“Lucky and Blessed”

Key-“Key to Success”  Dove-“Peace and Devotion”  Feather-“Survival”

Ballerina-“Don’t be afraid to live” Snowflake-“Dare to Be Yourself”  Bow-“Life’s Greatest Gifts” (Picture from Campaign 24 online Brochure)

Meaning of Life Bypass RingSterling Silver Meaning of Life Bypass Ring

The ring says “Embrace Life”. This ring has to be one of my favorite pieces. I wear it often. Regular price $39.99.

Sterling Silver Affirmation NecklacesSterling Silver Affirmation Necklaces (Pictured at right)

Three Sterling Silver necklaces. The sayings are “I believe”, “I dream”, and “I Conquer”.

Regular price $39.99 Currently on sale 2 for $35 (Sale ending soon!)

Sterling Silver Special Sentiment RingsSterling Silver Special Sentiment Rings (Pictured at left)

Coming out in Campaign 22 (Released October 6, 2015 at my Avon eStore). Three sayings. Inspired, Fearless, Grateful.  Picture from Avon Campaign 22 online brochure.

Regular price will be $34.99 INTRO PRICE IN CAMPAIGN 22 $14.99 each

Other Pieces:

Katarina Sentiment BraceletsKatarina Sentiment Bracelets  

These three bracelet sets come in sets of two bracelets. Each set contains a beaded stretch bracelet and a string bracelet that is closed by pulling it tight. The three sets are “Dream” which is blue; “Hope” which is pink; and “Happy” which is green. Wear them individually, as pairs, mix and match, or wear all of them together!

Available NOW While Supplies Last

Regular price $14.99 each pair and will be on SALE in Campaign 22 2015 for $6.99 each pair. Campaign 22 starts online October 6 and ends October 19, 2015.

Animal Symbol NecklaceAnimal Symbol Necklaces

Silvertone necklaces.

Hummingbird-“Continuity and Perseverance”



Regular price $16.99 each Currently on sale for $7.99 each (sale ends soon)!

Power Bead Stretch Bracelet

Power Bead Stretch Bracelets

Picture from my Avon online eStore

Regular Price $15.99 each




My Truth Charm BraceletsMy Truth Charm Bracelets

Silvertone Bracelets.

Three sayings:

“Believe in Yourself” with a star charm

“Follow Your Heart” with a heart charm

“Anything is possible” with a cross charm

Regular price $16.99 Will be ON SALE IN CAMPAIGN 23 2015 at $5.99 each

Essential Truths NecklacesEssential Truths Necklaces


Three designs:

Health-Sayings are “Strength, Renewal, Balance, Heal”

Love-Sayings are “Loyalty, Faith, Passion, Forever”

Inspiration-Sayings are “Create, Dream, Imagine, Succeed”

Regular price $14.99 each Is currently at the Intro price of only $5.99 each!

Meaning Blessing Love NecklaceMany Blessings Necklace

Locket style necklaces. Two Silvertone (Faith and Hope) and One Goldtone (Love). Three choices of sayings to choose from “Love”, “Faith”, and “Hope”.

Regular price $15.99 each Currently at the Intro price of $6.99 each

Mantra Strap WatchMantra Strap Watch (Pictured at right)

Three designs Purple-“Play Nice”; Blue-“Dream Big”; and Pink-“Love Often”

Regular price $24.99 each Current Sale Price of $14.99 each

Picture from my Avon eStore


Inspirational Meaning BraceletsInspirational Meaning Bracelets

COMING CAMPAIGN 22 2015! Starts online October 6 2015!

Four designs:

Blue-“Hope”  Pink-“Love” Clear-“Peace” Pearlesque-“Wisdom”

Regular Price $14.99 each INTRO PRICE IN CAMPAIGN 22 WILL BE $5.99 each

Picture from Campaign 22 online Avon brochure.

Precious Charms BraceletPrecious Charms Bracelets

COMING CAMPAIGN 23 2015! Starts online October 20, 2015!

Three designs:

Anchor- “Strength”  Virgin Mary-“Faith” Tree of Life-“Family”

Regular Price $14.99 each INTRO PRICE IN CAMPAIGN 23 WILL BE $5.99 each

To stay up to date on all jewelry pieces in this category follow my Pinterest board!

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