Boosting Your Confidence with Just a little Makeup and a Face of the Day look (#FOTD)


A little bit can go a long way and make a big difference…

When it comes to makeup, a little bit can make a big difference in your appearance. Should you be confident with your appearance without makeup? Yes, of course! Is it nice to dress up your natural look with makeup? Yes! While the natural look is great and fine for most day to day activities, it is nice to mix it up from time to time and add a little makeup to your look. What makeup you add depends on what features you are looking to bring out in your face. Eye makeup (eye liner, eyeshadow, and mascara) brings out your eyes. Lipstick brings out your lips. Blush or bronzer can bring out your cheeks.

Simple goes a long way. There is no need to go overboard with your makeup. When I do everything, which is rarely, I will do face primer, powder foundation, concealer if needed, blush, eyeshadow, eye liner, mascara, and lipstick. I usually only do all that for special occasions. On a daily basis during the week, I will wear a single shade of eyeshadow and lip balm or a colorless lip conditioner. On the weekends I usually wear lipstick and eyeshadow. Sometimes, I decide to throw on mascara too. In this Face of the Day, I am not wearing any face makeup besides blush and I have on mascara, eyeshadow, and lipstick.

Avon Products in this look:

  • Avon True Color Ultra Hydrating Lip Color (formerly known as Avon Ultra Color Indulgence) in Red Tulip
  • Avon True Color Multi-Finish Eyeshadow Quad in Mocha Latte
  • Avon True Color Superextend Winged Out Mascara in Black
  • Avon True Color Luminous Blush in Classic Aura

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