Category «Health and Wellness»
Espira by Avon RESTORE Overview

Optimize your overall health and well-being. When the days get really hectic and when your plate gets full, you may feel off-balance. Avon Espira Restore products help you to relax both your body and mind and bring back your focus as well as give you the stamina to feel great and keep moving forward.
Breast Cancer Awareness — Check Yourself

Breast Cancer Awareness-Check Yourself It is so important to know your body and to check yourself monthly. In this Vlog, I discuss the importance of staying in the know with your own body by checking yourself monthly. Of course lumps aren’t the only sign of breast cancer, but a lot of times women and …
Signs of Breast Cancer

Signs of Breast Cancer Signs of Breast Cancer Lump in your breast-This is the main sign that people think of when they think of Breast Cancer Breast Pain Skin irritation or dimpling that causes your breast to look like an orange peel Nipple retraction Redness, scaliness, or thickening of the skin and nipple Unusual Discharge …
Ways to Prevent Breast Cancer

Ways to Prevent Breast Cancer Steps to Prevent Breast Cancer Overall Health–We all want to be healthy and your overall health is the best way to prevent breast cancer and other diseases. A healthy diet and exercise are key to your overall health! Limit Alcohol Intake Avoid Smoking Breastfeed your children Be aware of your …
Espira by Avon GLOW Overview

Espira by Avon GLOW Discover your natural radiance from within!† Rejuvenation of hair, skin and nails starts here with our dual-action system, helping you look better than ever.† Help protect and rebuild in the morning, then help restore and renew on a cellular level while you sleep.† The GLOW products consist of the Beauty Inside and …
LIMITED TIME OFFER! Get a FREE Espira Hunger Block with your Avon Starter Kit!
Espira by Avon BOOST Product Overview
What is Espira? — Avon Espira Product Guide

What is Espira? In January 2018, Avon officially launched it’s new Health and Wellness Line, Espira! Espira by Avon is a customized nutritional supplement line designed just for you with effective formulations to boost and sustain your natural energy. Our vitamins and supplements are sourced from natural ingredients to reset your metabolism, restore and promote …
Avon Campaign 3 2018 Hot Buys and Top Picks

Avon Campaign 3 2018 Hot Buys and Top Picks Avon Campaign 3 2018 Brochure Online Now! For the current Avon Campaign Catalogs Online, Click Here. Avon Campaign 3 2018 is available to shop online January 9, 2018-January 22, 2018. IMPORTANT NOTES: As of Avon Campaign 2 2018 the Mark items were added to the regular Avon brochure and there …