Category «makeup tips»

Boosting Your Confidence with Just a little Makeup and a Face of the Day look (#FOTD)

A little bit can go a long way and make a big difference… When it comes to makeup, a little bit can make a big difference in your appearance. Should you be confident with your appearance without makeup? Yes, of course! Is it nice to dress up your natural look with makeup? Yes! While the …

Makeup Monday: What colors to wear for your eye color…

Highlights: BROWN eyes–blues and greens BLUE eyes–browns and purples GREEN eyes–plums and browns HAZEL eyes–grays and greens ALL eye colors–black liners and neutrals This is just a guideline and you will always find your own favorite look that may or may not match these guidelines. For example, I have blue eyes and I’ve always enjoyed …

How to clean your makeup brushes.

There are varying methods out there for cleaning your makeup brushes. One method I found is very simple and works great. First, gather your makeup brushes, shampoo, a cup, a towel, and water. Put the shampoo into a cup of water to form a soap mixture. One at a time run the brush under lukewarm …

How often should you replace your makeup and beauty products?

We all wonder “How often should I replace my makeup?” There are varying recommendations on this, and many of us are guilty of holding onto makeup for as long as we can. I know that I’ve had makeup for years myself. I just did a Google search on the topic and came across a couple …