How to clear up breakouts and help prevent them

Hello. Many of us wonder what to do when we get breakouts. There are SO many solutions out there. How do you know which ones work? What do you do to get rid of the acne and breakouts ASAP? Acne and breakouts are a very common problem and not just for teenagers. I myself have had problems with acne since I was a teenager and I’m now 25. I’ll be honest I still don’t have perfect skin, but I will say there are definitely things that can help with your breakouts. First let me state that acne may not be truly cureable, however you can clear up the breakouts and help prevent them. One of the biggest causes of acne is stress. In fact, I think one reason that I still have problems myself is because of stress in my life and I’ve noticed that when the stress isn’t there, my skin looks clearer. Something I’ve learned in my experience with trying to get rid of breakouts is to stay consistent with your routine. When you go away from your regular cleansing, your skin breaks out again or at least mine does. When I’m consistent with what I’m using I notice a big difference. Another key thing to do is to exfoliate your face from time to time to get rid of dead skin. How you exfoliate is up to you, but it should be done. There are many products out there and really it’s all about what works for you. Acne is one of those conditions that what works for some, may not work for others. I’ve had friends that had problems, they found a solution, and that was that, but when I tried their solution it didn’t help me. I tried many over the counter products as well as the popular ones from television, none of them have worked miracles for me. I know people that have gone to dermatologists and they haven’t had dramatic results. So here’s my best advice for you if you suffer from acne:

  1. First and foremost realize you are not alone.
  2. Don’t let it get you down.
  3. Find a skincare routine and products that work for you. I personally have been using Avon Clearskin. I’ve seen the best results with these products over others I’ve used over the years. I’ve used most of them personally and I’ve liked what I’ve seen while using them.
  4. Once you’ve found what works for you. Stay consistent! Give your skin time to heal.
  5. Once you’ve cleared up your breakouts, stay consistent with your products to help prevent new breakouts.
  6. Try to exfoliate your skin at least once a week.
  7. Do your research on the causes and see which ones you feel comfortable eliminating from your life.
  8. Talk to your dermatologist if you can.

I hope this post helped somebody. If it did, then please “Like” and “Share” and let me know. 🙂

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Amanda Davis, Avon Independent Sales Representative, New Avon, LLC, United States

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 About Amanda Davis – My Avon Story

I was born and raised in Richmond, Virginia and still live locally. I have my Masters in Teaching for Early and Elementary Education and I am an early childhood teacher. I have been teaching for five years. In the next five years, I would like to get my reading specialist endorsement so that I can become a reading specialist. I joined Avon in August 2011 in order to earn an income around going to college full time. When I first joined Avon, I had no idea what I was getting myself into and I had never heard of direct sales. My mother had actually been an Avon Representative briefly before I was born and she shared some about the company with me and said that I should go for it! I met with my upline sales leader and she signed me up and the rest is history! Over the last several years, Avon has become a major passion of mine and I have enjoyed being able to share Avon and it’s products and missions with those around me.In 2013, I took an interest in expanding my online Avon business and since then I have been blogging and growing my Social Media presence. Avon is truly loved by many and when you start sharing that online you can really see the love and support from others worldwide. Even though we can only serve customers in the United States and share the Avon opportunity with those in the USA, worldwide followers will find you on Social Media and the web.  In 2014, I was awarded the Spirit of Avon award and I earned the coveted President’s Club sales level and my first Mrs. P.F.E. Albee figurine. Mrs. P.F.E. Albee was the first Avon Lady back when David McConnell (Avon’s founder) had the California Perfume Company (which later became Avon Products). In 2016, Avon Products North America was bought out and thus New Avon, LLC was born. I have been super excited for the new changes of New Avon, LLC! My goals in 2017 are to continue to grow my online presence, earn President’s Club sales level, and become an Ambassador or above in our leadership chain. I do not have a family yet, but my hope is that when I decide to start one I can use Avon as a source of income in order to stay at home with my children when they are small like my mom stayed home with me and my brother until we both were in school.

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