First and foremost, fragrance is one of our toughest items to sell straight out of the book or off the internet. The number one reason for this is people want to smell it and sample before they buy. Some customers have bought certain fragrances before and you will be asked about them. Some of them are still around and some of them of our not. What follows is some tips on selling fragrances to your customers. I hope you find them helpful. If you do, then please do share with your teams and people you know in the fragrance industry.
- Take advantage of the scented pages in the Avon brochure to share the fragrances with the customers.
- Samples. Look for samples in the What’s New booklets of new fragrances as well as sample packs.
- Liquatouch samples–wipe with fragrance that you can wear the fragrance
- Discovermore cards–Lift and smell cards–lift it up and smell the scent, some bigger cards in packs of 5 or some six samples to a card and two cards to a pack (12 samples)
- Make your own samples from a demo bottle. Many ways to do this (cotton ball, rose petals from $ store are two of the most common ways)
- Buy a demo bottle that you can use to demo to everyone that you come across (current customers, potential customers, events, people you know, etc)
- Take advantage of Stock up incentives if you think you can sell the fragrance and have the money to do the stock up
Bottom line: People want to see, touch, and smell fragrances before they will buy them. A the very least, scent samples are important to get your customers to buy fragrances.
Check out page 4 of the Avon Campaign 9 What’s New and the Avon Campaign 17 What’s New for more tips on selling Fragrances. What’s New prices are for current representatives. Not a representative yet? Join the Avon Family today for just $15!
Following is my video on the topic…Thanks for watching! Like, share, subscribe! Feel free to comment your fragrance selling tips below on this blog post and/or on my YouTube video. Thanks for following me!
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