I see new representatives in my business ask all the time about if something sounds fishy or not. Basically, if it sounds too good to be true it probably is and it is best to go with your gut instinct. The most common red flag will be email scammers that will email you to order products and say they are from out of town and must pay with a cashier’s check, certified check, or money order. It is perfectly fine to accept orders from people you know and let them pay with these formats, but from strangers that is usually the biggest red flag. Plus, they always seem to use the same uniform format for the email something about wanting products for a model photo shoot, wedding, etc. and some story about how they cannot order online and pay by credit card. Also, the email used is nine times out of ten a strange email. These scammers will order a bunch of product and then leave you with it if you actually order, plus if they happen to send any form of payment it is usually too much and doesn’t always go through and if it does go through the scammers will take your information and run. The best thing to do if you get a suspicious email is to either ignore it if it is obviously a scam or I know a lot of representatives will refer the person to the eStore or online website through the direct sales company to order just in case it really isn’t a scam but it usually is and you usually never hear from the person again.
AVON offers some great insights and information on avoiding fraud and scams under youravon.com>web office>resources>frauds/scams As well as in the new rep center in the bottom right under Other Things to Read: Avoiding Frauds and Scams. This area of the website has some great information and insights on avoiding these situations and even gives some example emails that you could be sent from such scammers.
From time to time, you may also receive one via text or even a phone call, but usually it will be in email format. Always use caution with people you do not know and be mindful of the situation and use your best judgement.
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This is so true, unfortunately there are some people out there who want to prey on others. But like you said at the end, we have mindful and cautious. Thanks for sharing!!
Thanks Gary!
Great post and tips!!! It’s always GREAT to be aware of possible scammers so it doesn’t take away from your business and revenue!
Thanks Lynette! Thought of the idea for this post because in the various groups I keep seeing new reps asking what seasoned reps thought and wanted to put something out there to remind all reps to stay aware.
Yes, we have to be careful about scammers and try to stay inform about new scams that are going already. When I get an email like that, I sent them my e-store and inform them that online is the only way they can order. Great post!!