My first PRP Gala experience

Photo Booth Fun
Making Money with our AVON Businesses

Today was my first time attending the Avon President’s Recognition Gala! I was so excited and enjoyed my time there among some of the greats! It was my first time achieving President’s Club after three years selling. I never thought my Avon business would get this far and now that it has I am so thrilled! When you reach this level there truly is no going back. My goal for the 2015 cycle is to reach at least President’s Club level again!

Spirit of Avon Award

While there I was honored with a very special award that only a select group of Avon Reps get and that is the Spirit of Avon Award. This award is awarded to one person in each district that shows the “spirit of Avon”. It is not necessarily about sales or recruiting excellence but rather your love of Avon and how you show that love to others. I am truly honored to have received this award. Below is pictured my take homes from the event. The flowers were not part of it but everything else.


In order to get to the Gala all you have to do is reach President’s Club sales level. For 2015 that is 10,000 in Award Sales. There are awards and prizes for sales and leadership. Watch my video message below. Thank you to everyone who has made this a fabulous journey.

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